Saturday, November 16, 2013

Garbage Trucks and Escalators

Hi, precious one!

Last Friday, we went to the mall for lunch. While we were waiting for a place to sit at the restaurant, you and I were checking out all the ceiling fans. Oh, there were lots and lots of them to see, and you were smiling really big and making your "sign" for "fan" and making your "sign" for "please," so naturally Nana was taking you around to see each one. Nobody can resist your smile, Derek. Especially Nana.

There were even fans outside, which you were very sure you wanted to see. So, I picked you up and took you outside. You were pointing at the fan and making the "fan" sign and smiling and happy. And then, what do you think happened? A big, shiny garbage truck pulled up! You couldn't decide whether to look at the truck or the fan. It was a challenge! I asked you if you wanted to look at the fan or the truck. And you said, "Tuck." And just then the "tuck" started backing up, and it made "beep, beep, beep" noises. I explained to you that drivers of big trucks can't always see small things that are directly behind them (such as the man and his little boy who chose that very moment to walk behind the truck!), and so there is a special warning "beep" when the truck is backing up. I hope you will remember to always be very careful when you are behind a big truck.

Reaching for the camera!
Photo by Chris. All rights reserved.
Just then our table was ready, so we had to go sit down in spite of your reluctance to do so. We ordered our food, and then I offered to take you for a little walk in the mall so you wouldn't have to sit in that high chair for such a long time, and your mama thought that was a good idea.

By the way, your mama looks so pretty all the time. It is like there is a light shining from inside her, because your baby brother is going to be here soon. We are all very excited about that!

Anyway, you wanted to run and run through the mall. You did not want me to hold your hand at all. For such a small person, you certainly can move very, very fast! Good thing Nana moves fast, too. The jewelry store was a favorite place, with such beautiful, shiny things right there at your eye level. Fortunately, they were behind glass, but that didn't stop you from trying to touch them. Who can blame you? I wanted to touch them, too.

And then you spotted the escalator. It is one that has clear sides, so you can see it going up or going down when you are beside it. You ran over there faster than I thought possible, and you looked at it with great admiration. Here's our conversation:

Derek:  "Pfthbluhbltha!"

Nana:  "Do you like the escalator?"

Derek:  [smile] [sign for please] "Pfthbluhbltha!"

Nana:  "Would you like to go for a ride on the escalator?"

Derek:  [big smile] [sign for please...sign for please...sign for more...sign for please]

You are certainly becoming very proficient with your sign language, Derek, and it's wonderful to be able to understand what you would like.

So I picked you up, and up we went on the escalator. You were so happy! Oh, you loved your first ride on an escalator. We came right back down again, because I knew your mama would be wondering what happened to us! Nana hopes we will be able to have many more wonderful adventures together, sweet one!

Big squeezes,

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy Birthday, My Darling

Dearest Derek,

It's so hard for Nana to believe, but you're going to be one year old tomorrow! It probably seems like a long time to you, and you've already accomplished so much. But to me, it was only yesterday that Papa and I went to the hospital to wait as you were making your entrance into the world.

I don't know why it is called "making your entrance into the world." Maybe it's because people think the world is like a stage with people who are acting a role in a play. Either a comedy (a funny play with lots of jokes and laughing) or a drama (a very serious play with hardly any fun in it). Actors "make an entrance" when they go onto the stage. So, if the world is a stage, and people are actors in the play of life, then we are making our entrance when we are born. Oh, my! Nana got all serious there for a minute.

The other day when I went to see you, you smiled so big. I think you were happy to see Papa and me. We were certainly happy to see you, Derek. We always love to be with you. You held out your arms to me so I would pick you up. My heart melted, as it often does when I see you. Of course, my heart wasn't actually melting, my sweet. It only felt that way because it was all warm and gushy.

After a while, you wanted to have a snack, so I put some Cheerios in a bowl for you. Naturally, you dumped them on the floor. And then you started eating them. Oh, dear. Daria the Great would not approve of that, but your Mama seemed to think it would be okay to observe "the five-second rule." That was only because the floor was very, very clean. The five-second rule is when it is okay to pick up some food from the floor and eat it. With Cheerios, the five-second rule might be all right. With pudding, not so much.

Derek loves to read!
Photo by Chris. All rights reserved.
You love to sit on the floor with a book, turn the pages by yourself, and read to yourself. It is marvelous to see, Derek. It is important to love reading. If you can read, you can find out about just about anything.

You sat on my lap with your book, too, and read to me. You read with so much feeling and excitement. You were cuddled up nice and snug and comfortable. And you gave me a big kiss and a hug. Oh, Derek. You know just how to make me feel loved and special. And, you know, I certainly love you very, very much and think you are the most special little boy.

It has been a spectacular and special year, with lots of "firsts" in it. And tomorrow is your first birthday. How quickly time passes, Derek. So very quickly.

Love you to the moon and beyond,

Friday, June 21, 2013

A Walk in the Park

Dearest Derek,

Today, you smiled with your whole heart when your Mommie opened the door for me. I knocked on the door, and your dog Shasta barked a warning. Shasta is a good dog! The door opened, and there you were, in her arms. Unless you are sleeping, you are always in her arms when she greets me at the door. On the one hand, I can see you both at the same time that way. On the other hand, I don't know who to hug first. It is a heartwarming problem to have, Derek.

We sat down in the family room. Shasta was sitting next to you, and your eyes lit up so bright as you reached over to her to pet her. She didn't look quite as enthusiastic, but she was very patient. You cooed and spoke "Derek" (that's your own language that only you...and God...understand right now) to her. I think you were telling her that you love her and think she is soft and cuddly.

I want some, Nana.
Photo by Chris.
All rights reserved.
It was a hot day, so your Mommie asked me if I would like some ice tea that she had made. Of course, I said yes! As she served it to me in a frosty glass, you walked over to where I was sitting and reached for it. It was herb tea, so your mom said I could share with you. But you didn't want to share, exactly. No, you did not. I was happy to give you little sips, though, and we worked it out so you got some and I got some. We were both happy, I think. The front of your shirt was pretty wet, though. You like to drink from a glass, but you haven't quite figured out how to swallow a mouth full of liquid. That is why your mom got your sippy cup out for you.

And then we all decided it would be a shame to waste an opportunity to go for a walk on a sparklingly clear, warm, summer day. Your mom slathered you with sunblock lotion, which you wanted very badly to taste, strapped you into your stroller, put on your sunhat, and off we went. Your mom was pushing the stroller, and I was walking Shasta. What a peaceful and happy time we spent together at the park! I hope we can do that again often, Derek, because there is something wonderfully relaxing about a stroll in nature.

Too soon, it was time for your nap. And it was also time for me to go. But I will see you again before you know it. Oh, how I look forward to that!

Much love and lots of kisses,


Dearest Derek,

It has been a couple of months since Nana wrote in this diary. So much has happened!

Nana and Papa went to the Caribbean for a cruise on a very big boat. That's because Nana's classmates decided it would be fun to celebrate the 45th anniversary of their graduation from high school with more than just a dinner and a dance. We saw some beautiful tropical islands, with flowers and sharks and turtles. There was lots of white sand to play in, and the water was salty and clear and very, very blue. We had a lot of fun, Derek, but we missed you!

Before we left, you were already crawling and pulling yourself to a standing position, pushing a little ottoman (That is a piece of furniture that you can put your feet up on, or sit on, too) on the tile floor to get from where you were to where you wanted to go.

When we got back, you were taking steps while Papa or Nana or Mom or Dad were holding your hands, and you were so excited. And in such a hurry to move faster!

One week later, we went to see you, and you were standing by yourself. Your Mom told us you had taken one step without holding on to anything the day before! Sure enough, you took one for us, too, to show us your new skills. And you smiled. You were so proud of yourself.

The next week, you took two steps before sitting down. It was very cute the way you were doing this, too, because you were sitting down very slowly and carefully. That shows you were developing the necessary strength in your muscles to not only hold yourself in a standing position, but also to step forward and to sit down on the floor without falling. You were trying to develop your balance.

Then you took three steps, and we knew you would soon have walking figured out. You just needed to build up your confidence.

And now, here you are, ten months old, walking across the room with your arms out, giggling and smiling and so pleased with your skills. This video clip was taken by your Mamma. You have four teeth on the top and four teeth on the bottom. You like to show them to people, maybe, if they ask. It's part of your charm that you "choose your moments" rather than letting others choose them for you. You are not a performer. You are your own person, a real boy with a mind of your own, and you are learning to make important decisions for and about yourself.

Last Friday, you walked to me gingerly but eagerly. It was very exciting to see you do that, Derek. Now you are going to be able to scamper about hither and yon (that means "here and there"). And you still crawl, too, when you don't trust your steps and balance to get you where you want to go quickly enough. You are a very speedy crawler! Crawling is important for developing "eye/hand" coordination.

You love your Papa, and it is so very sweet to see you playing with his beard. I am sure he will not shave it off until you have decided not to play with it anymore. You also like putting your fingers in his mouth. You have very sharp fingernails, Derek. And you keep trying to grab his glasses. You like shiny things, like Nana's earrings. I don't blame you. I like them, too. Papa likes to communicate with you in creative ways. For instance, he likes to look at you and pant like a dog. You think that was the funniest thing, and you smile with your whole face and bright eyes. And do you know what you did this time? You started panting like a dog, too! It was the cutest thing ever.

I am so glad that you don't cry when you see me anymore. You smile and hold out your arms to me. That is so much better. And you also gave me a hug! You know just what to do to fill up your Nana's heart with tender feelings. Wow.

And that was your first word, your mom told me! She said "Wow!" And you said "Wow!" That is a very unusual word for a baby to say first, but you aren't just an average baby, Derek. Not at all. "Wow" means "wonder of wonders," and that's just what you are to me, sweet one.

I love you so much,

Sunday, March 10, 2013

And He's Off to the Races!

Hello, my sweet love,

Your accomplishments in the past month have been impressive! Not only can you sit and play with toys, you can roll over from your tummy to your back whenever you want. And your mommy told me that you even rolled over from your back to your tummy once. But you apparently aren't too keen on that. Maybe it is a scary feeling for you.

But this week when Papa and I came over to see you, you outdid yourself by showing us that you can now crawl! Now, it's one thing to push yourself from here to there like you did last week, and quite another to pick a direction, get on your hands and knees, and get yourself there. We are so proud of you, and our hearts overflow with love whenever we see you. When you smile at us, it is as if the sun has come out from behind the clouds. It makes our hearts so glad, Derek, and it fills us with joy.

Mommies (and nanas and papas and daddies) get very anxious when their babies are crying and they don't know why, so your mommy is starting to teach you something called “baby sign language.” That is so you can communicate with her, even though you don't speak English yet. It's very amazing to see your face light up when she “signs” the motion for “milk.” Yes, indeed! You know what you want, Derek, and pretty soon you'll know exactly how to let everyone else know, too.

Oh! And there's something else you can do, too. Something so wonderful, Nana can still feel it on her cheek and in her heart. As I held you in my arms, your mommy told me you can give kisses. So, naturally, I asked you for one and turned my cheek so you could easily plant one on me. And you did! It wasn't even all wet and sloppy like your mommy said it might be.

Pretty soon, you will not start to cry every time you see me. I hope. I know it is because you think it means your mommy is going somewhere without you, and that makes you sad. Of course it does! You want to be with her all the time, and who can blame you? You are her sweet love, too.

Love and kisses,

Thursday, January 24, 2013

6 Months Already!

Hey, little man!

6 months!
Photo by Josh.
All rights reserved.
Wow. You are six months old already. Six months must seem like a very long time to you. You've been growing and learning and getting used to your home and all the people whose faces you've come to know and love. Well, I hope you are coming to know and love us, though you seem very upset at me when your mom leaves to go grocery shopping.

You are so sad as soon as she leaves the room that we have decided to all hang out together when Papa and I come to visit. That way, we hope you won't associate seeing us with not seeing her. You are now at the age where a baby is very attached to his mama. And why not? She is an amazing mama, so pretty and kind and loving.

As I was saying, six months must seem like a very long time to you. When you are small, you think time drags by so slowly. And you will hear older people talking about how fast time flies by. Yes, it is very strange. But it's true. The last six months have gone by very, very fast for Nana and Papa.

I've heard that the less you have of something, the faster it disappears. I guess that is true of time, just like it's true of ice cream. You don't know what ice cream is yet, Derek. It is cold and rich and creamy and delicious, and there are so many different flavors! Someday, I hope to introduce you to a few of those.

I love you!