Saturday, December 29, 2012

Baby's First Christmas

Hello, sweet love,

On Sunday at church, Papa and I sat next to you and your mom. Your dad was on duty in the sound booth. He's been doing that since he was 12 years old. Right now, he's taking turns with your Uncle Patrick. Someday, maybe you will make sure everyone sounds fabulous.

Anyway, when Nana leaned over to say hello to you, you smiled and reached for me. It was the first time you did that, and my heart felt all soft and gushy and full again. You have that effect on me. You are such a charmer, little man!

You and your beautiful mama.
Photo by Josh.
All rights reserved.
Speaking of which, on Christmas Eve, which was your 5-month birthday, we all drove up to Redding to spend the holiday with your great-grandmother, "Daria the Great." It was the first time you had met most of the family, because they came from all over to see each other and to meet you. They came from Oregon and even all the way from Halifax, Nova Scotia! You charmed the socks off all of them, Derek, with your shy smile and the sweet way you coyly hide your face, burrowing against the shoulder of whoever is holding you. And, naturally, everyone wanted to hold you. They all agreed that you were very, very good. I think they meant you didn't cry and fuss the way most babies might around all those new people and in a strange place.

There is something about babies that brings out the best in everyone. People look into your eyes and see brightness and hope and curiosity and eagerness and trust. When you coo and smile, it makes them happy and fills their hearts with wonder. It helps them to focus on what is important and to forget about their worries and woes, even just for a moment. That is a wonderful gift to give to someone, Derek. And so, on Christmas, you gave lots of people something very special.

Christmas is the day when we celebrate the most special gift of all, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. Each Christmas, we remember that God, because He loves us so much, sent His very own Son to be with us here on earth, to show us how to live and to be our bridge to God. Someday, you will understand just how important and wonderful that is, and what a unique place you hold in God's heart.

Merry Christmas, little one!

You make my heart smile,

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