Thursday, September 18, 2014

Papa's Hat

Dearest little man,

Last Friday, when Papa and I left your house, we forgot his hat. It is a black ball cap with a Pink Floyd emblem on it. We remembered it on the way home, but we were already almost there, so we thought we would pick it up next time.

Imagine Papa's surprise when you and your Mommy came to our PrimeTimers meeting to deliver it! You were so excited to be doing this special thing for Papa. You came into the room and looked all around very carefully, and then you spotted him! You ran to him, waving the hat, "Papa hat! Papa hat!" Derek, your enthusiasm and huge smile and giggles lit up the whole room. It was like the door had opened and let sunshine in.

And then you saw the drum kit on the platform! Oh, how you love drums and music and dancing. You jumped from foot to foot, grinning from ear to ear, your beautiful blonde hair bouncing up and down with you. Nana danced with you. Mommy smiled and laughed with both of us. It was wonderful. You have very good rhythm! Everyone in the whole room thought it was the cutest thing they had ever seen. And so it was.

When your baby brother is a little older, what fun you will have running and playing together. I wonder if he will dance, too? He is already crawling all over and pulling himself up to a standing position. He doesn't know that he's small. He thinks he is as big as you are. But, of course, he isn't. Not yet, anyway. Nana loves to see how much you love him and how nice you are to him, how gentle and kind.

And now my heart is very full and feels very big. I am pretty sure it will start overflowing all the way to my eyes again as I tell you once more how very much I love you and Blake. Yep. There it goes, overflowing to my cheeks. But that's okay. It's a beautiful feeling.

See you very soon, my darling,

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Today, You Are Two

Dearest Derek,

Today, you are two years old, and your little brother is six months old. As you always say when something is either wonderful or overwhelming, "Wow!"

Nana is shaking her head at how quickly time passes. On Saturday, there will be a party for you, and you will open lots of presents and eat cake! I wonder if you will get the frosting all over your face, like you did last year?

I am looking forward to seeing you, and I am bringing you a gift that your Mama said you would especially like. I hope you do! But I know you will love the one she has for you, Derek. How disappointed I was when I saw that it had disappeared from the wish list! Then she told me she was the one who had it, so everything is fine. If anyone gives you a gift that will be your favorite, it should be you own Mama and Dada.

No, I can't tell you what it is. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I am sure looking forward to seeing your eyes light up when you see it!

Happy birthday, darling boy,
Your Own Nana

My Own Nana

Dearest Derek,

Papa and I just love our Friday afternoons with you and Blake. The way your face lights up when you see us come into the room is its own reward, and then there's that big smile you reserve for Papa.

"Papahhhhh" you say just before the excitement takes over your legs, and you run down the hall or over to the back door. Because Papa never says "No" to taking you outside so you can play together, you dashing from one end of the yard to the other, and he doing his best to keep up with you. He especially likes pushing you around in your red "cahcah," and you especially like tugging his hand and urging him to take you for a little walk in the forbidden zone: the sidewalk in front of the house.

I am not sure if you are plotting your escape into the bigger world or if you just want to see the big, shiny "cahcahs" that are parked in the driveways and here and there on the curb. You point to the blue one that is in front of your house, and you say, "Nana cahcah." Yes, that's my blue car, Derek.

The first time you and Papa went out the gate, I was in the house taking care of little Blake, who is also such a happy fellow and very cuddly, too. You and Papa went out to the back yard, as usual. Suddenly, the doorbell rang at the front door. I went to answer it, and there you were! The joy bubbled up inside of you, and you giggled and laughed at the fun of this new game. Your laugh is a tiny bit maniacal and mischievous, and it lights up my heart.

Speaking of lighting up my heart, the other day I picked you up so you could see the appliances on the countertop in the kitchen. You are fascinated with those, just as you are fascinated with everything in your world. You held me very tight and put your head on my shoulder in a brief cuddle. And then you looked up at me and said, very softly, "My own Nana," and put your head back down on my shoulder. My heart melted so much that water ran out of my eyes. Yes, Derek, I am your own Nana.

And I love you.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Darling one,

Nana and Papa are so proud of the way you have greeted your baby brother.

When your mama was in the hospital for Blake's birth, we were very excited to be able to stay with you and take care of you and play with you. You did so well.

You had fun with Nana and Papa! Nanas and Papas have a very hard time saying, "No," to their grandchildren, we have noticed. Your mama says that is perfectly fine. She says grandparents are supposed to spoil their grandchildren. Isn't she wonderful? But you already know that.

You missed your mama and dada, of course. Every once in a while, you would ask, "Mama?" And Papa and I would explain to you that Mama was at the hospital with your new baby brother, and she would be home very soon. And Dada was there, too. I think you must have been looking forward to seeing your baby, just as much as we were!

Then, suddenly, you heard the door open, and you looked at me with your eyes bright and very wide open. You gasped and said, "Dada!" You know when it is Dada coming in the door, even when you can't see it. And he came around the corner, holding the baby carrier. He turned it around so you could see Blake. The look of wonderment on your face was so precious, my darling, as you took your first look at this strange and intriguing being. And you smiled.

Baby arrives!
Photo by Josh. All rights reserved.
You looked at Blake, gasped, and said -- ever so softly and sweetly, in a sing-song voice -- "Ba-a-a-a-by!"  I know it was just exactly the reaction your parents were hoping for, dear one. Oh, how my heart melted. My heart melted so much that tears came out of my eyes.

You like to touch the baby ever so gently, and you pat his hair ever so softly. You hardly even have to be reminded to be careful. You have a good and kind and generous heart, Derek. And I know Blake does, too. We are looking forward to watching him grow up, just as you are doing. It will be quite an adventure, won't it?

Hugs and kisses,