Dearest Bump,
Today, I leaned over close to your mom's tummy and said hello to you using your "real" name for the very first time. I think your mom and dad find me strange (yet funny) when I do stuff like that, but I want you to recognize my voice even before you see me in person. That way, when I meet you in person for the first time, you will already know me.
Derek is a very good name. It is a strong name. I looked it up, and it means "people's ruler." It's a popular name, the website says, and it's been popular for years and years. No wonder!
So, I thought about the meaning of your name for a while, and here are a couple of ideas that entered my head. "People's ruler" obviously means "ruler of the people," which may or may not be a benevolent (good and kind) thing. But if you look at it a different way, it also can mean "popular ruler of the people," in the way that Princess Diana was "the people's princess." (She was much loved and very looked up to by many, Bump. She was also beautiful. Princesses should be beautiful if they possibly can.)
Your parents have given you a name that speaks of destiny. I know that you will be a good and kind person. The very best of leaders with the most awesome of destinies.
Much love and many hugs and kisses,
Nana (or whatever you choose to name me)